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During January and February, the Briton Ferry Llansawel Ladies players are encouraging people continue practice their skills from home whilst staying active.


Over the coming weeks there will be short videos of the Briton Ferry Llansawel Ladies player showing off their Welsh Way skills.


Briton Ferry Llansawel Ladies Manager Isaac Berry said "Staying active for children and adults in these times are key. Use our new resource we hope this inspires more people to become more active and stay healthy."


To watch all the current videos please visit out YouTube page 👉


If you would like to enter the competition for a chance to win free footballs for your team, please Tag @BFLLAFC on twitter with you club and age group showing us your skills.

The competition will close on Sunday 28th February. See more information about the competition below

Competition Information

Please note that there will be 2 prizes of footballs for the for the two videos chosen at random from all videos submitted at the end of the competition.

Prizes will be delivered to your club by a Briton Ferry Llansawel AFC representative when it is safe to visit or failing this after the draw arrangements will be made for safe distribution of prizes.

There is no limit to the number of clips you can upload for each of the skills however only one entire per skill per person will be counted for the competition entry.

Please make sure that when sharing your video, you have consent of all those involved in the video and if under the age of 18 their parent / guardian.

When making your video please make sure that you observe government guidelines on all regulation regarding social distancing and activities.

If you have any further questions, please contact with the subject Welsh Way Competition

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